Children at Ilsham Church of England Academy, part of the Learning Academy Partnership, will be taking part in a Guinness World Record attempt this weekend. Every pupil in the academy will walk, jog or run one mile – in tandem with schools across the country – in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most exercise pledges in one month.
With the current record standing at 241,675 pledges, a mammoth effort is underway by all involved in the initiative to beat this number.
The attempt coincides with the London Marathon on Sunday 23rd April, with two members of the Learning Academy Partnership staff running the full London Marathon; Jake Grinsill (Head of Academy at Ilsham Church of England Academy) and Steven Waters (Assistant Head of Academy at Dartington Church of England Academy), who will be running in an inflatable pterodactyl costume.
The event demonstrates the close links between the academies within the Learning Academy Partnership, as a number of the academies across the Trust will be taking part. One of the Trust’s core beliefs is ‘to realise the possible’, inspiring the next generation by providing its pupils with experiences and opportunities within the curriculum offer and beyond.
Jake Grinsill, Head of Academy at Ilsham Church of England Academy, said:
“It’s wonderful to see the children getting excited about taking part in this collaborative Guinness World Record attempt. At Ilsham Church of England Academy, activities such as these are a core part of providing our pupils as many opportunities as possible, whilst fostering a love of sport and exercise at every level. Coming together as a community both within the academy and across the Trust is so important, and something which inspires us all to achieve our best.”