Torbay and Devon Civic Award

This week, 14 children from Year 6 successfully completed their Torbay and Devon Civic Award, after months of conscientious hard work.

In September 2023, Karen Thomson, the Awards founder and organiser, came and gave a talk to the class about how they could take part – and the children were inspired!

Started in 2004, the Civic Awards was born from a desire to help children become well-rounded, confident and caring individuals who strive to make a difference in their various communities and are prepared to take responsibility for change.

To achieve the award, pupils have to provide their participation in six main areas:

  • Active citizenship in their school communities
  • Active citizenship in their home communities
  • A new physical and non-physical hobby
  • Residential experience and adventure training
  • Adopt a cause or charity and find ways to support it
  • Pledge to the planet – research ways to help save the environment and take action on at least one thing


The children then needed to provide evidence of the activities and discuss with an external assessor to complete their participation.

It was fantastic to see so many children taking part in this, the 20th year of the Award, and they were presented with certificates of achievement at a celebration ceremony.

The children clearly gained a lot through their activities:

“I have enjoyed helping people and animals through my charity work” – Sophia

“The Civic Award helped me to think about my surroundings and how I could help others in need. I would recommend the award for this reason” – Ava

“I enjoyed trying and learning new things. I would recommend this award because it builds your personality and character” – Jacob

Head Teacher, Mr Jake Grinsill: We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 students for their participation in the Civic Award, demonstrating their commitment to community service and personal growth. Their dedication and hard work truly embody the vision and values of Ilsham Academy”.









Torbay and Devon Civic Award