Parent Tours

Please contact the school office on 01803 292313 to arrange an appointment.

Welcome to Ilsham Academy

Come and visit us

Welcome to Ilsham C of E Academy! We are delighted that you are considering joining our school family and we would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to the Learning Academy Partnership. We are really looking forward to working in partnership with you to ensure that your child has the best possible start to their primary education.

If you are interested in your child joining the academy, please contact us to discuss what we have to offer and to arrange a visit if you can: 01803 292313.

Once you decide you would like a place you must make a formal application.

How to apply

Most children join our academy at the normal round, the main intake into school from the start of September in Reception. As a parent, you can apply for a place to the Local Authority.

There are different options for parents of children starting school in Reception. This includes part-time education and deferring or delaying admission until later in the Reception year or, for children with birthdays in the summer term, to the following September. Come and talk to us if you are considering this.

Do come and talk with us if you are interested in a place in a different year group for any reason.

Part time offer for reception children of non-compulsory school age  

We invite parents to visit so that we can discuss the provision on offer to children in our Reception class, how it is tailored to meet the needs of the youngest children, parent concerns, how their needs would be met as they move through the school and school readiness. Children follow the same Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum in Reception as in Nursery and Childminder settings. The Early Years is delivered in a way where learning involves lots of play and exploration rather than formal learning at tables and can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual child.

Applications for residents of Torbay are made between 15 November and 15 January for primary schools at

If your child lives in another Local Authority, including Cornwall, Dorset, Plymouth, Somerset, and Torbay you should apply through that council:

The closing dates are the same nationally.

For questions about your child joining the school or just about the admissions process in general, please don’t hesitate to contact the school direct or contact Torbay Admissions Service on 0345 155 1019 or by email to Devon publishes guides to the admissions process: the Step by Step Guide and the In-Year Guide at

Please also visit other pages on our website, our Twitter page or our Facebook page to find out more about our fabulous academy; we work extremely hard to keep everything up to date, sharing all of the fabulous learning that takes place each term.


Ilsham C of E Academy Video Tour




The following may be useful to prepare your child to start school.

Preparing your child for school

Read with Me

Write with Me

Count with Me

Move with Me


Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing a school for your child can be an anxious time, made even more difficult with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  Have a look at the sheet for answers to some of your questions, but please do contact the school office if there is anything further you need to know:

Frequently Asked Questions


Through play and experience, your children will also receive an outstanding Mathematics education in EYFS. There are fantastic resources to support their learning and understanding of number. One particular resource that we recommend is Numberblocks . We do utilise this at school and some parents choose to watch series one before their children join us here as it is a great starting point.

Ilsham English Hub

Ilsham Academy is proud to be one of 34 English Hubs as appointed by the Department for Education, due to our excellent track record in teaching early years phonics, and reading outcomes.


To find out more, visit Learning Academy Partnership Ilsham English Hub.

To find out about Read Write Inc Phonics, visit their parent section.